Saturday, March 21, 2009

Viscious weed warning

I am learning to be a hobby gardner.

I was married to a farmer for 17 years and enjoyed gardening;
I learned a lot from him about horticulture,
and if you see him, tell him thank you.

I learn a lot from my children, his children too. Thank you.

I enjoy teaching my grandchildren about worms and growing things.
I love you grand kids.

Some thing you need to know about right now, and do something about, right now is a little weed that is apparantly trying to take over the planet.

It is so tiny and soft and has the most delicate yellow flower that you just want to encourage it to be a ground cover.
D O N ' T DO IT!!!!

It is vicious.
It turns rapidly into a thistle with little
stickery burrs that get in shoes and feet and
are tracked to other places in the yard and quickly grow. I've been pulling the ones I see as I did last summer.

Trouble is I thought I got em all last summer,
just this week I have filled grocery bags full of them.

I like to tie the up and cook them in the gargage can to be sure they are dead.

I don't even want them growing in a land fill.

If you're not sure what I'm talking about they are about thumb nail high, the tiniest fern like leaves that look like microscopic antlers. They shoot up where nothing is growing and take over. You will find them under rocks and in dips where the water tends to pool, and they break up one thistle into about a thousand seeds.

The next day they will flower, the next go to seed as the thistle I mentioned. Make war on them use spray on them, dig them, pull them and lets rid Orem and Utah county of the little beast.

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